What does net zero mean?

Achieving an overall balance between the greenhouse gas emissions a company produces with those taken out of the atmosphere through carbon sinks. Unlike carbon neutrality, net-zero demands that carbon emissions are reduced to their absolute minimum, with offsetting only advocated as a last resort.

Net zero carbon is when not if.

During the Paris Agreement, 197 countries committed to keeping global warming from rising more than 1.5°C. Yet to achieve this, the UN Climate Science Panel has said that human-made carbon dioxide emissions need to fall about 45% by 2030 to avoid the worst impacts of climate change.

This is why businesses worldwide are experiencing increasing pressure from regulators, governments, and customers to be a part of the net-zero solution.

Five steps to net-zero with Emitwise

STEP 1 Understanding your emissions baseline

You can’t manage what you can’t measure. Establishing a carbon emissions baseline is the first step on the roadmap to zero.
To understand your carbon footprint, we assess all three scopes, including your direct emissions and those of your value chain.

Bespoke Approach

We work with you to map out your operational and supply chain emissions, ensuring your footprint reflects everything your business needs it to.

Wide lens

Our baseline accounts for scopes 1, 2 and 3. Assessing all three scopes is a basic requirement to join numerous high profile climate initiatives such as The Climate Pledge and Science-Based Targets.

Get granular

Your carbon footprint can fluctuate from building to building and supplier to supplier, and our calculations reflect every one of these minute details. You can be confident that the data is fit for scrutiny, even at the most granular level.

STEP 2 Setting carbon reduction targets and a roadmap to net zero

Your baseline highlights carbon hotspots and climate risks across your supply chain, enabling you to be specific about targeting, reducing, and mitigating faster.

Identify carbon hotspots

With an omniscient view of your operational and supply chain emissions, our dashboards help you quickly recognise the carbon hotspots to address.

Start well

Our in-house carbon accounting experts will share where you can have the greatest impact on your carbon emissions. After that, you can set the platform up to track your agreed targets.

All in one place

Centralising your operational and supply chains carbon emission data minimises the chance of missed opportunities thanks to a deeper understanding of how your emissions are interconnected, so you can plan more ambitious climate strategies.

STEP 3 Dynamic tracking and reporting on your activity

Until now, carbon accounting has been an annual event culminating in a report of some sort. Net-zero requires the continuous setting of reduction targets alongside tracking and agility, with companies able to pivot when emissions and climate risks change.

Automated data collection

Don’t rely on outdated, annual snapshots. Automate regular emission data collection through streamlined data submission flows and ensure accurate emission data flows throughout the year.

Tech-human hybrid approach

We trust our machine learning platform to deliver the goods when it comes to accuracy, but we go the extra mile, with our carbon accounting experts casting a second pair of eyes over your data.

Know when to pivot

With continuous automated data at your fingertips, you can stay agile when it comes to sustainability strategies and reduction targets. Use the insights to model alternative outcomes or project the impact of new initiatives.

STEP 4 Expanding your net-zero carbon network

Collaboration is key to any sustainability initiative. Reduce friction points for stakeholders and your supply chain with easy-to-use tools that level the playing field and encourage greater cross-collaboration for significant climate impact.

Everyone’s invited

Our platform isn’t licensed on a user basis. To reach net-zero emissions, carbon needs to be embedded into the consciousness of every employee and stakeholder. That’s why we ensure everyone who needs access can gain access at no extra cost.

Trusted certified partners

We work with you to maximise what can be minimised, believing in emission reductions first. However, where it’s impossible to reduce all emissions to zero, we can introduce you to gold standard carbon sink solutions.

Compelling storytelling

Emitwise makes sustainability storytelling simpler and more accessible, with clear infographics and everyday carbon equivalents. From external and internal reports to slide shows, we help you convey compelling net-zero narratives to every audience.

STEP 5 Embed carbon consciousness into your business

Measure, report, reduce and repeat is the mantra that embeds carbon into the consciousness of every business, but this takes time. By proactively revisiting, reassessing and tweaking your targets and strategies based on data, you’ll accelerate your company’s transition to net zero.

The virtuous cycle

By measuring, reporting, reducing and repeating, you will embed carbon consciousness into every part of your business and supply chain. We make these three steps easy to do.

Safety test theories

With continuous data flows, you can trial and pivot on a sprint basis, minimising the time and resources you commit to an initiative without proven results, thereby maintaining momentum and motivation.

We get better with age

We aren’t sitting still, and nor is our platform. Our machine learning technology learns from itself, finding ways to increase its accuracy and efficiency. Emitwise will evolve along with your business, providing you with insightful carbon emissions data every step of the way.

More ways to use Emitwise

Carbon accounting

Want to reduce your operational and supply chain emissions? Carbon accounting is the first step on your net-zero journey.

Learn more


Understand, engage, calculate and act on your supply chain emissions with ProcureWise to make net zero a reality.

Learn more

Emissions Reductions

The ultimate goal. Let’s understand how you can accelerate your company’s roadmap to carbon reduction.

Learn more

Managing carbon profitably…

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“Emitwise is winning us work when it comes to bidding and tendering processes. Setting sustainability targets used to be a nice-to-have, but now it’s a mandatory requirement to get through the final stages of winning big contracts.”

Ollie Refson • Sustainability and Quality Manager