How complex supply
chains decarbonise

Empowering enterprises to achieve their Scope 3 reduction targets with accurate primary emissions data

Trusted by complex gobal supply chains:


Supply Chain Emissions Management

Give suppliers the tools they need to be accountable for their own decarbonisation journey, regardless of their starting point, and report their progress to you.

  • Access to a 30K+ primary emission factor database
  • Unlimited automated supplier engagement
  • Free supplier-friendly corporate and product carbon calculators
  • Supplier access to SBTi -aligned target setting and tracking
  • CBAM reporting for affected suppliers

Corporate Carbon Footprinting

Centralise the measurement of your Scope 1, 2 and 3 emissions, track towards your net zero targets and account for the reductions and ensure compliance.

  • Financial-grade scope 1, 2 and 3 calculations
  • 100% audit guarantee, pass with confidence
  • Fully complaint with CSRD, CDP and all integral climate frameworks
  • 80% of line items are QC’d by carbon accounting experts
  • Set and track SBTi-aligned targets

Carbon Success Stories

“Emitwise brings the unique ability to include primary supplier data in our baseline while also supporting our suppliers to calculate their emissions.”


Mat Langley, Global Head of Sustainable Procurement 

We do the heavy lifting on Scope 3

So teams across your business can focus on making the decisions that achieve your company’s net zero targets.


Make sustainable purchasing decisions everyday

Use primary data to inform which suppliers to support, switch and hold to account to achieve a Net Zero supply chain.


Achieve your targets with accurate data to prove progress

Financial-grade, quality assured primary emissions data across all three scopes centralised in one platform.


Minimise supply chain climate risk exposure and expense

Easily report auditable emissions data wherever you need to, while acting to reduce hotspots.

Partners with


Our practical ‘how to’ guide for Sustainable Procurement

You’re one decision away from decarbonising your Scope 3.

Are you ready?

A top down view of car manufacturing with robotic arms